Thursday, June 12, 2008

Less is More

Today is the day that we are laying out everything that most go into a suitcase for the trip. {LOL, LOL}

It is laughable! Every travel suggestion I have read says, "Less is More." The thought of taking only what you need is a wonderful idea. However, traveling to a foreign country, where you do not speak the language and can not ask for what you need is a frightening thing.

Will we need a first aid kit? How many pairs of shoes? My feet are huge - the Chinese are known for their small feet. Can we just buy shampoo there? What if I can not find my brand - do I really want my hair to be forever immortalized in our family photo albums due to lack of proper products?

These things are trivial in the grand scheme of life I know. But the thoughts cross your mind and lead you to ponder even further on the term, "Less is More."

Less is more, traveling light. A good lesson for us not allow the things of this world to weigh us down.

1 comment:

Web Designer said...

Yes, this we discovered while trying to pack Elyse for a month in 1 suitcase weighing less than 50 pounds. NOT an easy task :-)
Added you to my blog roll. Can't wait to read about your trip. Awesome.
See you tomorrow!